Script: --on windowEvent wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬¬global gWindowPositions¬¬Global grandtotalCurrentYearValue¬Global grandTotalPrice¬Global grandTotalQtyInStock¬Global grandTotalCost¬Global gNoDescriptions¬Global gNoPictures¬Global gPublisherBreakdown¬Global gNoDescriptionsList¬global gNoPicturesList¬¬global kCurrPrefix, kCurrSuffix¬global kFormatString, kIntFormatString, kDecimalFormatString, kCurrFormatString¬global gCalcCollectionValueFigures¬global gCalcMissingDescriptions¬global gCalcMissingPictures¬global gCalcPublisherBreakdowns¬¬¬---------------------¬-- This is window #5¬---------------------¬¬if objValue="Open" then ¬ -- Restore old window position¬ put OldWindowPosition(5) into windowRect¬ if windowRect = empty then centerWindow wdName¬ else wsSet wdID,"0","Rect",windowRect¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ Enable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ ¬ -- Initialize the calculation variables in case the user choose "Print" immediately¬ put true into gCalcCollectionValueFigures¬ put true into gCalcMissingDescriptions¬ put true into gCalcMissingPictures¬ put true into gCalcPublisherBreakdowns¬ ¬ if grandTotalQtyInStock > 0 then¬ put grandTotalPrice / grandTotalQtyInStock into avgPrice¬ put grandTotalCost / grandTotalQtyInStock into avgCost¬ put grandtotalCurrentYearValue / grandTotalQtyInStock into avgValue¬ else¬ put 0 into avgPrice¬ put 0 into avgCost¬ put 0 into avgValue¬ end if¬ ¬ set the properties of window "ComicBase Statistics" to "TotalComics_Text:" & NumFormat(grandTotalQtyInStock,kIntFormatString) & return & "TotalTitles_Text:" & NumFormat(the number of cards of bg "Title",kIntFormatString) & return & "CollectionValue_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(grandtotalCurrentYearValue,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "AvgValueComic_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(avgValue,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "CollectionPrice_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(grandTotalPrice,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "AvgPriceComic_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(avgPrice,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "TotalCost_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(grandTotalCost,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "AvgCostComic_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(avgCost,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "TotalMarkup_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat((grandTotalPrice - grandTotalCost),kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "AvgMarkupComic_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat((avgPrice - avgCost),kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "NoDescriptions_Text:" & NumFormat(gNoDescriptions,kIntFormatString) & return & "NoPictures_Text:" & NumFormat(gNoPictures,kIntFormatString) & return ¬ ¬ set "TitlesByPublisher_Text" of window "ComicBase Statistics" to gPublisherBreakdown¬ ¬ ¬else if objValue="Close" then ¬ -- save the window position¬ put "5" & tab & wdName & tab & wsGet(wdID,"0","Rect") into line 5 of gWindowPositions¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ disable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ ¬else if objValue="Suspend" then ¬ put frontWindow() into theFrontID¬ if wsGet(theFrontID,"0","HasCloseBox") <> "true" then¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ disable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ end if¬ ¬else if objValue="Resume" then ¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ enable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ ¬end if¬¬--end windowEvent¬
Params: i8_Text
Result: i2_Hilite¬i3_Hilite¬i4_Hilite
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 31,16,104,28
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Total Titles:
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 25,30,104,42
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Total Comics:
ItemType: BOX
Rect: 207,24,466,106
Pen: White
ItemType: BOX
Rect: 15,64,172,106
Pen: White
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 214,43,298,55
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Current Value:
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 265,71,298,83
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Cost:
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 220,57,298,69
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Asking Price:
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 107,16,161,28
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: TotalTitles
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: 3,431
Balloon: This is the number of different titles in the ComicBase.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 107,30,161,42
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: TotalComics
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: 0
Balloon: This is the total number of comics you have in your collection.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 301,43,371,55
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: CollectionValue
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: $0.00
Balloon: This is the value of all the comics in your collection, as figured by the most current year you’ve entered price information for.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 301,71,371,83
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: TotalCost
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: $0.00
Balloon: This is the combined cost of all the comics in your collection.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 381,57,450,69
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: AvgPriceComic
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: $0.00
Balloon: This is the average asking price of each comic in your collection.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 381,71,450,83
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: AvgCostComic
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: $0.00
Balloon: This is the average cost of each of the comics in your collection.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 301,85,371,97
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: TotalMarkup
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: $0.00
Balloon: This is the combined mark-up of all the comics in your collection (the asking price - your cost).
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 381,85,450,97
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: AvgMarkupComic
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: $0.00
Balloon: This is the average mark-up of each of the comics in your collection (the asking price - your cost).
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 355,266,447,286
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: Calculate…
DefaultItem: TRUE
Balloon: Click here to recalculate the totals for all the fields in the ComicBase. This may take awhile, depending on the size of your collection.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬Global grandtotalCurrentYearValue¬Global grandTotalPrice¬Global grandTotalQtyInStock¬global grandTotalCost¬Global gNoDescriptions, gNoPictures¬Global StopIt¬Global gPublisherBreakdown¬global kDecimalSepChar, kThousandsSepChar, kCurrSymbol, kCurrSymIsBefore, kCurrPrefix, kCurrSuffix¬global kFormatString, kIntFormatString, kDecimalFormatString, kCurrFormatString¬global gCalcCollectionValueFigures¬global gCalcPublisherBreakdowns¬global gCalcMissingDescriptions¬global gCalcMissingPictures¬global theStuff¬¬put (not (gCalcCollectionValueFigures)) into pubBreakdownDisabled¬put (not ((gCalcCollectionValueFigures) or (gCalcMissingDescriptions) or (gCalcMissingPictures))) into okDisabled¬¬get windowScript("Calculate Which Statistics?",gCalcCollectionValueFigures, gCalcPublisherBreakdowns, gCalcMissingDescriptions, gCalcMissingPictures, pubBreakdownDisabled,okDisabled)¬if line 1 of it <> empty then¬ put line 2 of it into gCalcCollectionValueFigures¬ put line 3 of it into gCalcPublisherBreakdowns¬ put line 4 of it into gCalcMissingDescriptions¬ put line 5 of it into gCalcMissingPictures¬ ¬ send RecalcTotals to cd 3¬ if StopIt = false then¬ if grandTotalQtyInStock > 0 then¬ put grandTotalPrice / grandTotalQtyInStock into avgPrice¬ put grandTotalCost / grandTotalQtyInStock into avgCost¬ put grandtotalCurrentYearValue / grandTotalQtyInStock into avgValue¬ else¬ put 0 into avgPrice¬ put 0 into avgCost¬ put 0 into avgValue¬ end if¬ ¬ if gCalcCollectionValueFigures then¬ put "TotalComics_Text:" & NumFormat(grandTotalQtyInStock,kIntFormatString) & return & "TotalTitles_Text:" & NumFormat(the number of cards of bg "Title",kIntFormatString) & return & "CollectionValue_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(grandtotalCurrentYearValue,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "AvgValueComic_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(avgValue,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "CollectionPrice_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(grandTotalPrice,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "AvgPriceComic_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(avgPrice,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "TotalCost_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(grandTotalCost,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "AvgCostComic_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat(avgCost,kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "TotalMarkup_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat((grandTotalPrice - grandTotalCost),kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "AvgMarkupComic_Text:" & kCurrPrefix & NumFormat((avgPrice - avgCost),kDecimalFormatString) & kCurrSuffix & return & "TotalComics_Disabled:False" & return & "CollectionValue_Disabled:False" & return & "AvgValueComic_Disabled:False" & return & "CollectionPrice_Disabled:False" & return & "AvgPriceComic_Disabled:False" & return & "TotalCost_Disabled:False" & return & "AvgCostComic_Disabled:False" & return & "TotalMarkup_Disabled:False" & return & "AvgMarkupComic_Disabled:False" & return & "i2_Disabled:False" & return & "i5_Disabled:False" & return & "i6_Disabled:False" & return & "i7_Disabled:False" & return & "i27_Disabled:False" & return & "i28_Disabled:False" & return & "i29_Disabled:False" & return & "i40_Disabled:False" & return into theStuff¬ set the properties of window "ComicBase Statistics" to theStuff¬ end if¬ ¬ if gCalcMissingDescriptions then¬ set the properties of window "ComicBase Statistics" to "NoDescriptions_Text:" & NumFormat(gNoDescriptions,kIntFormatString) & return & "NoDescriptions_Disabled:False" & return & "i25_Disabled:False" & return & "i37_Disabled:False" & return & "i38_Disabled:False" & return¬ end if¬ ¬ if gCalcMissingPictures then¬ set the properties of window "ComicBase Statistics" to "NoPictures_Text:" & NumFormat(gNoPictures,kIntFormatString) & return & "NoPictures_Disabled:False" & return & "i17_Disabled:False" & return & "i37_Disabled:False" & return & return & "i38_Disabled:False" & return¬ end if¬ ¬ if gCalcPublisherBreakdowns then¬ set "TitlesByPublisher_Text" of window "ComicBase Statistics" to gPublisherBreakdown¬ set the properties of window "ComicBase Statistics" to "TitlesByPublisher_Disabled:False" & return & "i20_Disabled:False" & return & "i21_Disabled:False" & return & "i22_Disabled:False" & return & "i23_Disabled:False" & return & "i24_Disabled:False" & return & "i32_Disabled:False" & return¬ end if¬ ¬ put gCalcMissingDescriptions and gCalcMissingPictures and gCalcPublisherBreakdowns and gCalcCollectionValueFigures into allComputed¬ set "NotCalcMessage_Visible" of window "ComicBase Statistics" to (not (allComputed))¬ end if¬end if¬--end mouseUp¬
Balloon: This is a breakdown of the ComicBase totals by publisher.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 107,85,161,97
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: NoPictures
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: 0
Balloon: This is the number of different comic titles that do not have specific pictures available for them. You can get a listing of these titles by printing the statistics report (“Print” below).
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 20,114,75,126
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Publisher
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 144,114,180,126
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
TextAlign: Right
Text: Titles
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 200,114,242,126
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Comics
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 285,114,313,126
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
Name: Cost
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Cost
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 343,114,376,126
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Value
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 27,71,104,83
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Descriptions:
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 107,71,161,83
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: NoDescriptions
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: 0
Balloon: This is the number of different comic titles that still need to have descriptions entered for them. You can get a listing of these titles by printing the statistics report (“Print” below).
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 244,85,298,97
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Mark-up:
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 325,27,357,39
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Total
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 388,27,451,39
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Avg/Comic
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 301,57,371,69
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: CollectionPrice
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: $0.00
Balloon: This is the combined asking price of all the comics in your collection.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 381,43,450,55
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: AvgValueComic
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextAlign: Right
Text: $0.00
Balloon: This is the average value of each in your collection, as figured by the most current year you’ve entered price information for.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 407,114,440,126
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Price
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 251,266,343,286
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: Print…
Balloon: Click here to print a report of all ComicBase statistics.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gDoPreview¬¬put false into gDoPreview¬send PrintComicInfo to cd btn "PrintComicInfo" of cd 2¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 20,248,338,260
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
Name: NotCalcMessage
BlackColor: 0,13107,-13108
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Text: Some figures may not be current. Click “Calculate…” to update them.
ItemType: LINE
Rect: 20,64,115,65
BlackColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
WhiteColor: -4370,-4370,-4370
ItemType: BOX
Rect: 14,60,171,105
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
TextStyle: Bold
BlackColor: -26215,-26215,-26215
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Titles Without…
ItemType: LBL
Rect: 24,57,114,69
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
TextStyle: Bold
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Text: Titles Without…
ItemType: BOX
Rect: 206,20,465,105
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
TextStyle: Bold
BlackColor: -26215,-26215,-26215
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Valuation
ItemType: LINE
Rect: 202,24,271,25
BlackColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
WhiteColor: -4370,-4370,-4370
ItemType: LBL
Rect: 216,17,270,29
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
TextStyle: Bold
Disabled: TRUE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Text: Valuation
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 151,266,243,286
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: Preview…
Balloon: Click here to print a report of all ComicBase statistics.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gDoPreview¬¬put true into gDoPreview¬send PrintComicInfo to cd btn "PrintComicInfo" of cd 2¬--end mouseUp